Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"It rains too much here! Why did we steal this land from the Native Americans?"-My grandfather

Today was another rainy day in Oregon. I woke up and my body said, "Jenna, what are you thinking getting out of this warm bed? I refuse to move for you." And so long story short, I was late for class. This is a typical start to a typical day of my life. I am grateful though :) I am grateful for everything that I have. I have been blessed with an amazing family. Friends that make me laugh til I pee my pants. Food to eat. A body to use. Air to breath. Clothes to wear. Pets that are excited to see me when I get home. Etc. :) And I have learned to deal with my imperfections (although there are more of them than I would like...)Tonight Glee is on and I am very excited!! I love to sing and it makes me happy to see other people sing songs that I enjoy as well. Even though I have a lot of school work and tons of chores and other random things to do and my job doesn't pay nearly enough for car insurance, gas, spending money, etc, I try to stay positive. Ok I am going to stop talking about the negative things because I just realized that they are bringing me down hahaha and I don't want to be a debby downer!!! I am going to go eat dinner now, I'll talk to you on the flip flop later blog world.
-Jenna Boo

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Jennaboo! You are the best. We have so much, because we claim you as sister and aunt. Thanks for making our lives so awesome!
